Physical Marketing

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One of the biggest obstacles faced by any marketing team is being heard above the noise. Today’s audience is inundated more than ever with alerts, notifications, text ads, pop-ups, emails and more. Many brands are finding that in a digital world, it’s sometimes more effective to get physical.

Physical Marketing, or “how we used to do it,” has made a comeback in recent years. With most agencies and brands going completely digital, a physical marketing campaign often produces better results today than it would have 10 years ago.

I believe this is because the channel is less crowded, and a clever marketing piece can be seen as refreshing and gain traction. Companies large and small are making big impacts with interesting mailers, pop-up events and free promotional giveaways.

Effortlessly reach their targeted local audience.
Physical marketing has a more personal approach because marketers can have a person-to-person relationship in showing the public about their brand’s name.
It can be quickly recognized by the public simply because they are previously exposed to this type of strategy. It is something that most people today can have access on.